With increasing frequency, photographs from this site are appearing on
commercial for profit sites.
Not best pleased, however it does help to preserve/distribute the photos hopefully
ensuring future availability. Overall a good thing.
I suggest that anyone posting pictures adds the originating site info as a watermark
and in the metadata comment and copyright fields..
In January 2022 photo's from the former Witheridge Society Site website were added. Witheridge photos can be found in the Zenphoto Genealogy Album
Dreamhost provides stats for this site, which show that the picture section is quite popular. This site averages about 5000 visits a week, about 85% are, among other things, looking at the pictures.
Pictures of our ancestors are an important but quickly lost link to the past. If you have any relevant pictures I would be pleased to post them. Putting pictures on the internet will help to ensure that these pictures are not lost and are available to future generations.
A picture may be worth a thousand words - - however a picture stuffed in drawer with no words is worthless!
The sites pictures have been reduced in size/quality to improve response and load
time. If you require better quality please ask.
Please report any mistakes as the names are mostly from memory.
All pictures etc have been moved to Zenphoto. All new photos etc will only be on Zenphoto. Most pictures are in one Zenphoto Photo Gallery. For the root, in the Gallery click on "Photo Gallery".
Click here for the Zenphoto Photo Gallery | The old Pictures and Post Cards can be viewed here > Pictures | Post Cards
Zenphoto info: