// //First - check that you have the latest version of tidy // // Tidy configuration file for HTML5 for use in any editor that supports Tidy // Start copy at // Options to end of file W. Dwyne 2018 - 2023 // Note: All tidy options are not listed here - mostly just the ones that have been changed from default // // Options anchor-as-name: no doctype: html5 drop-empty-elements: yes drop-empty-paras: yes drop-proprietary-attributes: no fix-backslash: yes fix-bad-comments: yes fix-uri: yes join-classes: no literal-attributes: yes logical-emphasis: yes lower-literals: yes merge-divs: auto merge-spans: auto new-blocklevel-tags: article,aside,command,canvas,dialog,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,menu,nav,section,summary,meter,video new-inline-tags: audio,canvas,ruby,rt,rp,time,meter,progress,datalist,keygen,mark,output,source,wbr numeric-entities: no output-html: yes preserve-entities: yes quote-ampersand: yes quote-marks: no quote-nbsp: yes show-body-only: no uppercase-attributes: no uppercase-tags: no // // Diagnostic Options show-errors: 6 show-warnings: yes // // Pretty Print Options break-before-br: yes indent: auto indent-attributes: yes indent-spaces: 2 markup: yes punctuation-wrap: yes sort-attributes: none tab-size: 4 vertical-space: yes wrap: 0 wrap-asp: no wrap-attributes: yes wrap-jste: no wrap-php: no wrap-sections: yes // // Character Encoding Options char-encoding:utf8 input-encoding:utf8 output-encoding:utf8 // // Miscellaneous Options tidy-mark: no quiet: yes